Originally posted by boblinds:
I agree with you that no one has ever proven a difference.
That's all I'm saying.

But my posting that fact is a public "insult" to you? And my supporting that statement with specific details is an "onslought"?

Gee whiz, Bob, I'm sorry. I had no idea that I had somehow tread on you personally by posting something at variance with your anecdotal experience. Why the reaction? Am I not entitled to respect factual information (that even you agree with)?

You'll note that when you countered my earlier statement with your "admittedly informal testing", I didn't take it as an insult or onslought. Nor did I tell you that you didn't hear it. However, if you are going to claim "a difference is there", then I don't think it's unreasonable to inform readers of the fact that this "difference" has never been proven. Unless you feel it's OK for you to reply to my posts but not the other way 'round?
In the last analysis, it's nothing to lose sleep over.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. We're discussing a hobby here, not some cure for cancer. If facts I've posted don't jibe with your personal experience, then readers can decide for themselves which they want to believe. Happens all the time with cables, amps, etc. Discussion is healthy and productive. And an opposing viewpoint is not a personal attack, so please don't take it that way.
