As promised Photos from the Outlaw Audio room at H.E. 2005 .

Others have already reported the highlights. The demo was quite impressive. I heard people talking about it throughout the show. I do believe I'm going to sell of my 950 and go with the 990 ... it's NICE. I'm also seriously considering selling off my 1050 (I wonder if anyone has an older one than I? smile ) and replacing it with a 2150 since I've been using it (the 1050) in stereo only mode anyhow.

The show as a whole was much smaller than in the past. Some of the big names weren't there (Sony & JVC come to mind), but there were some new ones (RCA/Thompson). There were also many old favorites - Aprion Speakers (very nice, sound like superb "bang for the buck" material!!), Cinepro & Silicon Optix put on an excellent shared demo that I felt rivaled the Outlaw's in terms of demo quality ... but the setup sure cost a whole heck of a lot more! smile

And David, it was a real pleasure to meet & visit with you!!
