Just got back from NYC myself (did get the chance to meet Pat and Wayne and put some faces to forum writers)and after reading through the posts of others don't know what I can add that is real substantive.

I do agree that the Outlaw room was a real grabber. Much bigger than last year. The equipment (Outlaw and the speaker set ups ) was really classy. The sound was beyond much I had ever had the chance to hear. That's a whole lotta speakers. One of the demo pieces was the whole plane crash scene from Flight of the Phoenix. I swear I was white knuckle flying myself by the end.

I was in the first session with just a few people but by the end, the line was already forming in the hall. Outlaw has a lot of recognition among the masses.I over heard one guy say. I just love that you're pissing off all the big guys.

I was really pleased to see and hear the RR2150 with smaller speakers, the LFM2 and a novel piece of gear (said Peter) called a turntable. This is one beautiful looking and sounding receiver. Scott says it is looking good to get to market in the near future. Not months and months was my impression.

The LFM2 is around 18 high X 24 deep X 12 wide. A great size for many rooms. At the price and size I bet alot of people will elect to run these in pairs easily.

I asked Peter what differences he felt there were in the sound quality of the 990 v 950. He said that they, including the beta folks, thought the 990 sounded smoother and less bright than the 950. And let me say, the 990 is BIG about the size of my 770 which makes the 950 look tiny. Looking over the actual back panel was a feast. The pics don't do it justice.

As reported the 790 is working through some heat issues and the 1070 is going back and forth with the debugging process of the software. I was a little surprised to hear that there are no more 950's. End of the story. So anybody that's upgrading should have even less a problem with the resale markets.

One last non Outlaw note. I listened to a demo with Mark Levinson (the legend himself)that completely blew me away. A new DAC of sorts that is designed to hook to a PC via USB and with proprietory software completely convert/modify the digital sound so it is breathtaking, listenable and sweetly analog sounding. Now here's the real kicker. We listened to Mp3 at lowest bit rates and they sounded phenominal. This product is known as Burwen Bobcat. Works only with Windows through Media player 10. No Apple (including iTunes) yet. Mark feels this is the biggest advance he's seen in 50 years in audio. He even uses his Sony laptop as his transport for CD's now. Did I already say here's the real kicker? I lied; anyone who knows Levinson or Red Rose is thinking "Yeah sure at what cost" As Mark said, "about half the price of most of the cables at the show. $1500.00. Watch out for more about this. Takes a current trend in music and makes it audiophile grade.