Yes the LFM-2 was at the show the LFM-1's little brother. It is the big/little secret. Like the LFM-1, it was co-designed with HSU.

*8" long throw design
*-2db at 28Hz
*150 watts rms
*Ready to ship

Model 1070:
*It was in the room.
*The hardware is production ready.
*The software is 2-3 weeks away (it is being debugged)
*Next product out of the gate
Model 2150:
*True working sample in the room
*Beta testing begins in 2 weeks
*While it was delayed, they decided to up the amps to 2x90w into 8ohms and 2x140W into 4ohms
*Built in electronic crossover bass management so you can use a sub.
*I'm pretty sure they said that it would be available this year.

Model 950:
*Sold out
*Is no more

Model 990:
*Peter said it was 3 or 4 decibles, or decible points quieter than the 950. I didn't catch this exactly.
*It has a Cirus 49400 chip

I sat in the middle just even with the surround speakers, and the demo was incredible. In a 10,000 ft3 room with $13,000 speakers, it was hard to compare it to what I know. I do know that I still am very satisfied with my 950. And I consider it a compliment to the Outlaws that I have no intention of upgrading it any time soon.

Model 790
*Not in the room
*Peter said they were working on making it a little smaller than it is. And the prototype was already smaller than the 770. Interestingly, the 990 is as big if not a bit bigger than the 770. So it certainly be bigger than the 790.
*Seems to be furthest away from delivery.

I spoke with Scott and asked him about a universal disc player. With the rapidly changing formats. HD-DVD, Blu-ray and possible demise of multi-channel audio formats, he thought they'd have trouble getting a product to market before it was obsolete.

Pictures to follow.