Hey Polarweasel, (Cool Handle by the way)

I am of the old school that says Receivers have 2 inherent problems.

1st - The power section is occupying the same space as the electronics section and no matter how well configured and shielded the inside of a receiver is, there will always be some level of blead through between the amp, preamp and tuner sections.

2nd - THE LAWS OF PHYSICS, no matter how well configured and efficient the preamp tuner section is, you are essentially running two or more components from one power source.

Think of your power cord as a river, what happens when a river forks? Some of the water goes right and some of it goes left, the same thing happens with the electricity going into your receiver. It is split between the Amp and preamp sections, this split in power causes the sound to be leaner, losing some of its transparency and dynamics.

Receivers have come a very long way and Companies like Outlaw, Denon and B&K are far more musically competent and dynamic than they were just 5 years ago, but so have A/V seperates and the seperates have the laws of physics on their side. smile wink smile