The last time I checked we were a message board who shared experiences ways to help each other with our audio equipment not a political sounding post, so let's keep it A/V.
GW's home theatre would most likely be very Big Loud and Expensive with lots of Bells and Whistles for that "Shock and Awe" effect. He wouldn't care about how it sounds, or how much it costs the tax payers just as long as it lights up all purty and he can hears the jets fly overhead when they show how the war is going.
Oh, he would love watching Bonanza on it, I mean the Ponderosa would take on a life of its own. Can't you just see him sittin' there pausin' the DVD player and saying, "Hey Dick, wouldn't an oil well have gone really nicely there?" He would then yell, "If I'd been Lorne Green, I'da drilled on that Son of a Bit@#!!!" Cheney of course would have to remind him that this is just a TV show, GW would try to argue, he's so darn cute when he tries to debate.
Him and Laura can enjoy their grilled armadillo while watching a John Wayne marathons with classics like True Grit and of course McLintock for the Misses. :rolleyes:
His girls can brag about it to their friends at a frat party while being taught family values at 2 in the morning, by several fraternity brothers, but that's ok, their now 21 and they don't need to carry fake ID's anymore to get a beer and some attention.
GW would then go to bed early, leaving his big loud purty system on not giving an armadillos a$$ how much power it sucks, because he's making money on the oil that is used to power it. Now that he has won the election it's time for another vacation and we wouldn't want anything like running the country to interfere with that, would we???
I don't know what kind of system Kerry would have had, NOBODY DOES because we never had a chance to know.
I do know that GW's Home Theatre sounds like sh!t and costs way too much!!!