At one point in my life, I delved into inexpensive boutique wire. I had Apeture wire that resembled Monster cable, or the big stuff at Home Depot. I went to MITerminator cable, with the "Box" along the cable. I did not notice any difference. I still have their box in the attic. I now run Taralabs Prism 2+2 bi-wire. I bought that when I had B&W 602's and decided to bi-wire them. Another waste IMO!

Point: don't blow a big portion of your budget on "Snake oil". Buy decent quality cable (such as what Ascend Acoustics has on their website), but use the money to upgrade other areas of your system instead.

The expensive stuff looks nice, but I ain't lookin' at 'em, I'm listenin' to 'em!
It's all about the hardware!