I was at my local Best Buy the other day looking at the plasma TV’s and minding my own business when from out of no where comes this pimple faced eager young sales kid looking to make a sale. I was surprised to find that he “new something” about the products they sell so we started talking about Home Theater Systems. I told him about my RPTV and pointed out the DVD player that I had bought there a few months ago the Pioneer DV-563a. He said his friend had the same player and that he liked the way SACD and DVD-A sounded. He asked what other equipment I had so I told him about my Outlaw 950/7100 combo. As I expected he said he never heard of them. I went on to tell him about the Outlaw products and gave him the web site so he could check them out for himself. That’s when it happened. He said he was saving his money up for a really top of the line system. Of course I asked him what he planed to spend his savings on. His next words made me wince with pain. He smiled and said a Bose lifestyle system. Now please understand I am not a mean person by nature but before I could stop myself I said “I wouldn’t own a Bose P.O.S if someone gave it to me” The poor kid just stood there looking up at me with those big Doe in the headlights eyes like I just ran over his puppy I felt so bad that all I could think to say was thanks for your help as I headed for the door. Does this make me a bad Outlaw? Anyone else ever have something like this happen to them? Come on guys I need some moral support here.
