Hey Thenotsonewguy,

Sorry!, I meant “new to this” really more, as in Outlaw, not gear. Remember, I’m the one with the clock radio at your age (16), Had to wait till the parents were gone & go crank their system for anything decent, and if I got caught! Boy you’d think playing a little rock & roll would RUIN a system forever after, for Opera and the Herb Albert Teijuana Band. Actually I think it was where I left the volume knob, (forgot to hide that evidence) that got him the most!
I recall your stating, how you had heck telling friends why in your personal opinion, other choices were better than Bose.

I bet your a pipeline of info. to lots of younger guys out there, just starting to make a lifetime of audio purchases - to sites like this.

You, (and everyone else here) is light years beyond me, (I’m still in the playpen)
On ‘You know what I mean’, I agree with Gonk, I expect every online site to have its bias, (only fair). Therefore, when considering this or that, or just trying to learn, I use all sites to get a balanced take on the big picture.
I just weight what I learn by, - Who, What & Where.

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited February 24, 2002).]