I saw it the first day the press release came out on Onkyo's website. I cannot lie I was not happy about seeing it, you see I brought an 595 less than a month before Onkyo did the press release. I would have taken my 595 back but then that would mean I would have to go back to my old Kenwood AR404 until April and that was something I was not prepared to do. However I think I will what until June or July when I know the store I brought the 595 from is out of stock and only has the 600's in. Then I have a feeling something bad might happen to my 595 and since it is still covered by warranty they will have to give me a new one if the unit is un repairable and then I will have my Onkyo 600.

In regard to the new Onkyo 600 in my mind their is only one thing missing. I wish the Onkyo 600 had preamp outs so you can send a signal to a separate power amp. Also this is the replacement for the 595 and I have also saw another new Onkyo model that is the replace the 494, so do you think Onkyo will be replacing their whole line of receivers soon? It makes no real point to pay extra money for an Onkyo 696 where the only difference is that the 696 has preamp outs and the 696 only has DD and dts.

Thanks for reading,
