The 1050 is competing quite well as is. It is the champ in SOUND QUALITY if not in features and flashy appearence.

Stereophile Guide to Home Theater (March/April Issue) 2002 Recommended Components includes two Outlaw products. The $499. Outlaw 1050. The other recommended A/V Receivers were $2400- $3800 (5 to 7 X it’s price!). The Outlaw 750 ($1099.) Amp was also a recommended component and higher rated amps started at $3395 and went up to $10,000.

Can these new receivers with extra features one may or may not use match the qulity of sound from the 1050? That's what is most important to me.

Sure I would like DPLII but I am not willing to trade sound quality or pay a lot of money for this feature.
Howard Halligan