Originally posted by bestbang4thebuck:
curegeorg, can I say this with a friendly smile and a wink, no criticism intended?: so after your computer upgrade, you were still living with ‘outdated’ video and audio cards? Or did you consider them [b]not to be too outdated because they could still perform the tasks you require of them? Or, if you had replaced them, might you have just as easily replaced the whole thing?
[This message has been edited by bestbang4thebuck (edited May 17, 2004).][/B]

audio was integrated into my new motherboard, and my videocard is still fine for that i do. (new cost didnt outweigh benefit). exactly my point in upgrading audio, some parts useful, some not. i still had to get new stuff, just not ENTIRELY new stuff. upgradeability is not an end all, because the way it is implement now sucks. modular manufacturing could change that, the reason why audio companies don't do it, is COST. they are scared to lose control of their over inflated price structure.
This post has been brought to you by curegeorg, thanks for reading.