if they were "for the people", they would have made the 950 upgradeable, that way those little incremental changes wouldnt sum into a big difference. when something major needed to be addressed, then produce a new model. i realize upgradeability is not everything, but it sure is nice to know that your product has the potential to stay pretty current. if audio companies had the balls they could look at computers as an example, (well onkyo txnr1000 is an exception) and devise more modular driven machines. granted computers are cheap as dirt these days, but everyone has one. my last processor for my computer was a 800mhz overclocked to 950mhz, and i waited until i got a superb deal on a 2.53ghz pentium to upgrade. i needed a new motherboard, new ram, new power supply, BUT i could use everything else i had. so it was win win, i got a better computer, and companies made money. above all the upgrade cost me like $250 total (told you it was a great deal) and that is not counting selling my old mboard,ram,processor for $100!. it just cost me 10x to change my processor in my ht.
i think (hope) that audio companies start valuing their customers more, because their are so many of them; loyalty is low, and they need to be willing to accept slightly lower margins, because they have been ripping off people for years.

[This message has been edited by curegeorg (edited May 17, 2004).]
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