Originally posted by Jeff Mackwood:
It's goofy because it's a waste to pay for something, or to use energy to produce something, or to use energy to power something up - and then never use it. That's what the unused sections in a receiver that relies totally on separate external amps is: a waste.

not if that is what you are forced to do because there are no other products that meet your needs. like i said if i found a processor/preamp with what i wanted i would have gotten it. for me, i use the amps for other rooms (receivers amps). i agree its a waste and it is unfortunate, but for the same processing power a pre/pro would always cost more anyway, and that is a waste in my mind. paying extra for the title of pre/pro, when you could pay less for better technology, better processing, and better features is a waste to me. a waste of money. if you were spending 10gs on a receiver with awesome amps it would be a shame, but that is not likely. you cant find many if any pre/pros at the same price points as a receiver when they both have comparable hardware, and that is only because of one reason, this stupid notion that pre/pros are always superior. if denon offered a 3805 minus amps, i would buy it even for the same price as the receiver, but according to normal audio logic taking out the amps doubles the price. ironic that you spend more and get less, a waste perhaps? we should both go into waste management, you could give away all the US's garbage to someone and i could charge the people who make the waste. oh and jeff, if you decide to give away some gear, let me know, ill fax you a copy of a dollar (coin not bill, gotta watch the piglets). that way wed both get satisfaction. for me i get satisfaction out of getting a little money and still hooking someone up with nice stuff, albeit older, that way you dont make them feel inferior for not being able to pay for it. not everyone likes taking handouts.
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