I haven't bought one yet, but what I'm looking for in a TV are the inputs. Right now, if the TV doesn't have a DVI-HDCP input on it, well, I think you're going to end up having to replace it in a few years. DVI is really where all the HDTV stuff is heading toward. Actually, they're going toward HDMI but I think you might be able to get away with just DVI. Right now, Zenith is offering a 32" HDTV set with dual HDTV tuners built-in with a DVI interface for around $1000. If you go over to AVS, there's also a great article about why you might want to stick with a 4:3 ratio set as compared to a widescreen set.

I've also heard not so great things about the "FS" line of Sony TVs. I think the quality of those is just not up to that of their upper series.

At this time, video just has sooo many options. If I had to buy a set right now, I don't know how I would do it without making some sort of compromise.