Guys, I'm sorry for bringing this up one more time, but I am really worried about which way to go. I have been reading about head room, and there's never too much power. ( within reason )and so on. The other side of the coin, is too little power will kill a speaker quicker than the blink of an eye, ( distortion ). Third, I have recently seen a little discusion about being so over powered, that the amp isn't working hard enough to run clean. Any thoughts on that theory? So, as many have been, and many will be, I'm at the fork in the road. 770, or 7100.
I have Klipsch RF-7's and RC-7 for the mains, and will have RCW-5's, or RS 35's for surrounds. Two pair of either. Denon 3801 as pre amp for now.
I wouldn't say I play everything loud, all the time, but action movies are sometimes, meant to be, loud, and multi channel audio, sometimes is meant to be, loud.
I have fun with my system, when I get a chance. Thats why I built it. This is the first time I will have crossed over to separates, and I want to get it right, the first time.
My experience, as does the Outlaw tech, tells me I'm on the edge with my surrounds, ( the in walls ) but I have this desire to go ahead and buy the 770 anyway. More so, being there is a chance I may end up with the better surrounds, ( RS 35's ) in the end.
What do you all think?, Could I possibly get by with running the 770 on the in walls, if thats what I end up with?

Again guys, Thanks so much for the help. I'm ready to put this upgrade into action.
ps,..Posted in the Outlaw to Outlaw forum, hoping to get better exposure. The amp forums seem to be a little slow right now. Hope this is ok,....