I was roaming the internet and ran across the mapleshade audio site and wondered if anyone had heard of these guys, and or used their products. Outlaws seem to have a pretty smart group hanging around the saloon, so I thought I would ask.

I wondered what the "science" or theory was behind a few of their products such as :

1. Maple AMP stands. This just looks to be a big heavy hunk of maple that you sit an amp on. WHY?

2. Cable lifts? These little devices lift you cables off the ground? WHY?

3.Heavy hat Vibe killers. Look like big heavy weights that youset on top of your gear to stop vibration. Why does vibration matter on a pre/pro or CD player or AMP?

4. Lastly cone points ( these come in different flavors ) sounds like the same sales line all along, to reduce vibes..... WHY.

Do these products really offer a SONIC difference? If so what is the reason / theory behind them. Does anyone inthe saloon use them? Or are they just some "AUDIO SNAKE OIL"
