To Jonathan or other curious gunslingers who are thinking about getting a CD player:

It’s been little over a week since I received my Njoe Tjoeb 4000 and I am pleased with the quality I’m getting from it. I won’t go into technical details which are already posted in their website but to simply describe it, it uses tubes. I am planning on adding tube amps as well but for now its being amplified by my Outlaw 7100. The warmth of sound was noticeable from day one even without any burn-in and its getting better. Not to mention, the superior clarity, sound stage, imaging and much less fatigue. Ok, so the tubes need to be replaced once in a while but the benefit you get outweighs the price (relatively small for this unit) of replacement tubes.

If you haven’t, give it a try. For $700 base price, it may not be possible to find a better CD player.