Thank you for the feedbacks.

I just noticed that I have been promoted to a gunslinger! Funny, how I don't feel any wiser on the topic of amplifiers......

I have decided to go ahead with this modification of Adcom GFA 555 II. Here are the reasons.

1. I already own one and, thus, effectively cost me nothing.

2. Ampzilla 2k monos that are the choice amps for the speaker designer Brian Cheney have rating of 400 watts into 4 ohms. Other ones he has used with good results are all class A monsters (Pass Labs and Plinius)with ratings no higher than 400watts into 4 ohms. From this I am guessing that "high current" is more important than "high power".

3. I can't afford any class A amps with enough power.

4. A decent Pro amp would cost me more than the cost of this mod and the "midfi" amp put together.

5. Since I am on Outlaw forum, I will also say that 2 M-blocks were considered but ultimately decided against. The reason being that 2 separate channels of 770 didn't cut it. If Adcom(unmodified) didn't have enough current, I did not think that M-Block in that slim casing would have big enough power supply to get the kind of current I am looking for.

These are the reasons I am doing this mod hoping to get an amp that will drive the woofers with authority. I think this person offering the modification is honest, reasonable, and believes in what he does. At least, I can understand the reasons for his mods, which are simply upgrading parts to get the most power/current the original equipment layout can handle. I am not holding breath waiting for some electronic Fen Shui that some outfits promise in "signature" mods costing k's of dollars for that illusive "high end" musicality.

I feel better knowing that all this mods are costing me no more than what a "highend" power cord costs. I will post updates, if only to let others see what not to do......