It sounds as though these mods, which are mostly taking a real-world power supply and makeing it somewhat more ideal and improving the output stage inasmuch as the output transistors will drop less voltage when they are at or near saturation, will mostly increase the average (long term, misnomered RMS) power output of the amp, moreso at low impedances.

If you are mainly concerned in how well the WOOFERS will be driven, then I think that these mods will have benefits that are mostly in the area of bass reproduction and may work for you. As to whether the benefits are worth the cost, I have no idea.

I do not think that these mods will help in areas of soundstaging, musicality, air, and other areas of "high-end" concern. To improve the sound quality in these areas will take more than improving the brute-force aspects of the power amp. A knowledge of ciruit design and the relative benefits of various topologies is needed. Effective mods in this regards are a function of delicacy and finesse as well as brute force.

Aside from the case (chassis), which on some high-end amps can cost a fortune just for the fancy machining, the transformer(s), main filter capacitors, and output devices of a power amp are some of the most expensive parts in an amp (if you ignore the $700 high-end power cord which you must have if you are to worship at the high-end altar).

Please keep us informed of you decisions and concerns.


the 1derful1
the 1derful1