Well the need to upgrade has struck again. This time the victim is my SV 16-46 PCi subwoofer. After much consideration it appears the winner is an SV PB2-ISD. Twin 12" SVS "Improved Standard Drivers". SVS designed, full-featured 600 watt BASH (R) digital switching amp. Computer Assisted Design (CAD) enclosure. Down-firing woofers with distinctive SVS integrated base-plate. Compliant floor mounts, ultra low center of gravity. Three tuned, patented 3" high-flow flared porting (in and out). CNC'd and assembled in America, hand tested by SVS R/D Labs. Extra heavy-duty detachable 8-foot power cord. Attractive, tough and practical plural component polyurethane finish. Selectable 16Hz, 20Hz or 25Hz tuning with included port plugs. Variable subsonic filter (16Hz, 20Hz or 25Hz). Size: 18" wide, 25" tall and 28" deep. Weight: 115 pounds. I can’t wait. This sucker has some real power. Look out neighbors he’s on the loose again. I think they’re just getting use to the 16-46 PCi. Now what? Stay tuned, film at eleven.