Your thoughts are exactly what I have been able to filter out of everything listed, posted, and in one way or another comunicated over the years. I supose, unless a person was to open up any given unit, and be able to understand everything they were looking at, would they be able to be completely sure of what effects that peice would have on other gear down stream. Your techinical experience,and willingness to share, is one of the great things about these forums. Thanks for your help.
I have the BP 2.5, and I have been looking to get the 20 amp version of either the Brick Wall, or the Zero Surge. As I recall, for some reason, I don't think Brick Wall listed the single 20 amp unit, but Zero Surge does.
I had the page saved as a favorite for the Secrets transformer you mentioned, untill my hard drive crashed a couple weeks ago. I thought about that myself, but missed out on the bulk order, and ran across a pretty good deal on the BPT. If I knew exactly where, and what to purchase. I don't think the construction of the unit would be very difficult at all,...I had another page saved as well, that outlined what was needed for a DIY transformer. I have forgot the last name, but the guys first name is John. He has quite a few iteresting reads on things related to audio, and electronics.