
I would just use the jumper or biamp if you have another pair of cables, but while you get good sound out of RM40, you don't fully tap their midrange potential with 770. I went with biamping because a quality high current amp (that would drive the woofers and be "musical") would cost thousands even used, whereas a good class a or ab tube amp will do justice to the highs and mids at a much reasonable cost. You will have to get a passive preamp or an DIY attenuator to balance the two amps. Much depend upon your room accoustics and cleaness of your power. I ended up putting in a dedicated 20amp outlet, rearranging a few things and putting up tastefull wall hangings. Just beware, there is no end to tweaking for that extra "euphonia". You have to find the best sound you and your room can get for the money you are willing to spend and be happy with it, because there will always be someone posting obout a system that sounds better, usually at a price that excede the GNP of Tanzania.

Good luck and you can check in on and read up on all things done to RM40.