Originally posted by Lasher:

I like alot of bass to my music and was not planing on using my meter for the sub anyway. I was just wanting to get my front 3 and back 2 even. The dvd I've used to set up my system before is called Ultamate DVD Platnum. I bought it several years ago when I was first getting into HT. Does anyone know if this is a good setup disk to use?

Thanks Again

Frankly, I would just ignore the subwoofer calibration (which is questionable at best at such low frequencies, in real rooms) and adjust the level to taste. Since the LFE is "synthesized" anyway in motion picture soundtracks, there is no "standard" other than what what sounds best to you.

I sit on the dubbing stage during the mixdown of many films, and what is "standard" during mixdown is probably too mild for what you would want in your home. Just adjust it for what makes you happy.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited January 01, 2004).]