Hi bossobass,

It started out as a stereo only set up and I got the Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods to replace my Quads as I just was not up to ongoing maintenance a 15 year old pair of Quads requires even though I loved them and they still remain my favorite speaker. The Shearwater was a close to the Quad as I could get in a box speaker (in my price range) for the liquid mid range I so enjoy with female vocals. When I combined systems a few yers ago I started using the Shearwaters as my front speakers with a theater loop from my stereo system into my then processor. From there I got the idea this year of an all Shearwater system for MC SACD and added a center channel Petrel to match the Shearwaters and then recently a pair of Kestrel Hot Rods for the rear. Now these speakers are not the current production models, but they are the ones that gained Meadowlark their fame and they still will make them on special order as they did for me and they are displayed on the meadowlark website. I also wanted to upgrade my Sub while doing this and after some thoughts of making my own, I decided to let Adire make me one as I was using all the parts from them if I made it, and again my age and health are slipping a little and I was not sure if I was up to the cabinet work. Now this is a great sub and matches up well with the Meadowlarks for movies and MC SACD. I have played with it in Stereo and it blended well, but I cannot give an honest opinion on a stero/sub set up as I have not used it that often or had it that long. And Last but not least I recently added the Outlaw 950 to get some of the later digital modes and to improve my SACD multichannel. So I have taken a lot of space to say it is both a stereo and MC set up. I have not heard the newer Meadowlarks, but I can highly recommend the ones I have, and as with the Adire people Meadowlark is a joy to work with. I have had numerous direct contacts with the owner and he cares about the product he is making and how it is used. I miss my old Quads but I am very happy with the system and I must admit that there is a nice tone to a well engineered multichannel SACD with these speakers and my equipment. In stereo I still drag out my old tube amps and use both passive home made preamps and other tube preamps but I have kind of settled in with the Anthem 2 a Hybrid Tube Amp, for the main channels and an Anthem MCA 3 for the center and Carver AV 505 for the rear, although I am thinking about changing the Carver by picking up the Outlaw 200 for the center and moving the Anthem MCA to the rear. I am also thinking of adding a 6th or 7th speaker and do not want to spend as much for that and was hoping to get some ideas if someone had a set up similar to mine. Thanks for the interest and I hope this helped although I got so long winded about it that it would have been better suited for the "My System" group.
