I work at a school where it's my job to maintain the classroom stereo systems. Of course, none of these rooms have identical systems. The equipment in each room ranges from Perreaux amps and Spendor speakers to Yamaha amps and Cambridge Soundworks speakers!! Mind you, most of these rooms don't sound all that bad but age is starting to creap into the electronics in most rooms.

I've been assigned to find replacement, wall-mountable speakers for a number of these rooms. My supervisor is looking for a nice, warmer sounding speaker that can mainly excel with classical music. Easy enough...right??

Well, here's the catch. Our budget for each pair of speakers is only around $500. From my searching, I've found that that price mainly limits us to smaller bookshelf speakers that we can mount using brackets. Catch #2, security is an issue. Mainly, if I put a small bookshelf on the wall, some mean little student can rip it off and put it in their drum case to take home.

Ok, after all that set-up, here's what I'm up to and where an Outlaw can ride to my rescue. Does anybody know of any warmer sounding bookshelves that wouldn't mind living mounted to a wall and that can cover a room that's about 20' x 12' x 10'?

Thanks for any and all help.