Sex ( or sort of)
I have the most vivid memory of being tiny and raised in a VERY strict household, when something strange occurred. I caught my father hiding Something ???? (very usual behavior for my father).
Of course when he left I had to see what was up in the area of the house he was acting ‘guilty’ in , - and discovered the album “Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass: Whipped Cream and Other Delights”

WELL that was the equivalent of hard corn porn in my house. (I mean REALLY it was obvious she was not wearing anything but whipped cream) And to further concret the memory for me, that same weekend I had to stand around forever in several audio stores while my Dad shopped for a brand new LP player. The night he set it up, sure enough after I was supposed to be in bed, I came through the area again and there he was feet up staring at the album cover, saw me, and was flipping that album cover back down (out of sight) so fast he nearly fell out of his chair.

Any thing connected with that much secrecy (by my hopelessly old-fashioned household standards) AND warrenting the purchase of a new record player JUST to play it. Rated my full attention. I always semi watched very carefully men purchasing audio gear after that…and .for a few years….I equated it with ….“THEY are ALL up to NO GOOD”….

Seriously I just love music, live preferably, but since I rarely access that, - I decided to determine what makes one system more revealing than another. Did not ‘like’ the sound of what we had…husband too busy to ‘fix’ it for me….so off I went!.

Edit: WOW, looking up a link which would show a pic of that album cover, (not just text like most of them) I found a copy of it for sale for $98.00. Jackpot!!! I think its still at my parents!

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 16, 2003).]