At this moment I am using a Pioneer DVD 440 as a CD player. I don't like it at all as a DVD player, but it works pretty well as a CD player with Burr Brown DACs.
In about a month I plan on upgrading to either a Norh CD1 or an AH! Njoe Tjobe 4000, the Ah! is currently beating the Norh out but I haven't decided yet.
I auditioned an Arcam Diva and found that it did not improve on the 179.00 Pioneer DVD player enough to move in that direction.

On some Toshiba DVD players I found that the sound Significantly tightened up when I put the Outlaw in "Phantom" mode. I later found claims that the Toshibas subtract out some information from the direct center when played in stereo mode, information that would go to center channel. My only confirmation of this has been the tightening of sound when switching between stereo and phantom modes. The Pioneer doesn't show the "effect" to the same degree as the Toshiba Sd-4700. On the other hand the Pioneer's video signal is far inferior to the Pioneer's so both units stand in my rack.
Hopefully the Pioneer will make way for one of the tube based CD players in about a month.

"Art is not a mirror, but a hammer."
"Art is not a mirror, but a hammer."