Boblinds is Saddam's understudy - Saddam gets to shoot a rifle, but Boblinds is relagated to a starter pistol

I thought that was Bagdad Bob. Although that little guy has grown on me. I was playing a game watching him, -everyday I had my ‘favorite’ top pick line. My husband thinks if he’d come to America with that fixed jovial grin, he would earn a fortune doing Sat. Night Liv skits. His interview on Mon on the rooftop, husband was praying for a Cobra to drop down into view, and US soldiers unfurl a “Hi Mom” banner, behind the Inf M’s shoulder.

{Sorry}Boblinds to link Your Esteemed Name in any manner with ‘you know who’. (she saw the joke and took it). Around here they were used to hearing me rant every time I saw that demi-god shooting whatever in the air…he couldn’t even properly control the recoil half the time. One bit of footage, I had seen in the past, - I swear he almost dropped it. (must have been that forbidden alcohol he was drinking). That, - and ‘Shock and awe…. Shock and awe’ got my goat.
Both sides had some ludicrous moments. Not that our ordnance is not shocking……I know (S&A) has a truly catchy ring to it. Just became obnoxious after being repeated by media a hundred times.

Realism be damned Good thing you only have to deal with the audio side of the business, otherwise you’d be ruining perfectly good cereal with glue. (milk’s reputedly too flat).