Dicker Dicker DICKER.

Meanwhile, places like Radio Shack, Big K-Mart, and similar places do not negotiate True I’ve never found it there. But even chains like Circuit City…Tweeters….typically not hi-fi will. Hi-Fi boutique you should always get a discount. Often the longer you do business the better the discounts. Although all of mine have been pretty scattered locations of purchase and I get them anyway.

I made two purchases which were not tiny, a 2K set of speakers and a display, - before I figured this out. The rule of thumb since I've talked to several people who have done it for years is to aim for 10% off minimum or no purchase. More as the purchase price increases. Be polite, non-confrontational but confident. Humor helps too. It is like a car lot. They are trained especially at the high fi type shops to come back with a bunch of lines why they can’t. Just be ready to counter in a friendly manner. Ex: Even at CC (a chain retailer), when I asked for 100 off a 600 stand (about 16% off). He looked at me very firmly as if (end of subject) and stated “No the manager never discounts the furniture, not enough markup in that area., I can’t even ask him for that discount, another customer just asked last week and my manager would not do it.” I smiled and said, “I can understand that, but I’d prefer it if you would just make the request for me anyway, and please tell him I guarantee him a multiple item purchase tonight if that makes it worth while for the total sale. Stand display and warranty” I had already sent him to this manger for price matching on the display, and in addition intended to purchase a warranty on the display. Especially when you’re buying a warranty, they have much more play in the pricing on your total tab.

Often times just asking the right sales person, makes a difference. I went to purchase a digital camera, was not purchasing the warranty or accessory, only the camera and asked a chain one day for a discount OR a free memory stick thrown in and was told No. (I did not purchase). Same store week later, got a different sales rep asking if I needed help. Put forth the same request, and got 100 off the camera. I have wondered if it affects their commission percentile, and if some sales personnel are more willing to give in this area just for the sale, - than others.