Originally posted by soundhound:
Movies are mixed with a maximum of 6.1 channels, as the rear surround track is mono. There may be post procesing in the pre/pro to increase the virtual number of channels beyond 6.1, but the soundtrack starts out at a maximum of 6.1


Not even. 6.1 means 6 discrete channels with one non-full-range channel. This is not what Dolby Digital EX has; Dolby Digital EX has 5 discrete channels into two of which is matrix-encoded a 6th channel which, as you pointed out, is mono, and the one LFE channel.

I forget the correct nomenclature for designating what DD EX actually is, but it's not as exciting to the shopping public as "6.1" and "7.1", hence the reason manufacturers have disregarded the correct naming convention and instead are using the misleading one you indicated.
