D.D may be more accurate to the master, and without hearing comparisons myself I just have to take people I trust, (Like SH’s) word. But the reason I was asking the volume question is that repeatedly seeing that argument that DTS is recorded hotter so we simply perceive it as ‘louder = better’ has always confused me as to its merits as a valid point. I have a comfort zone for my ears regardless of the media or version that I constantly adjust for. If I’m ready to ‘dig in’ to a movie and it’s not to late, regardless of the ‘level’ it was recorded at. I will set it to the level I wish to experience. So unless the adjustments such as Charlie’s links on how the DD decoders are set to compensate dB levels particularly on THX equipment, or on the dubbing stage itself ‘Dialogue normalization’ factors in a manner I’m not grasping.

Don’t I just tend to up my dB to the level my ear ‘likes’ for DD.
And pull it back if it’s overboard on a DTS version.

My volume knob is not fixed beyond my control. I set the level so how should that factor into equating that I simply might be choosing DTS as a preferable solely because its recorded louder?