You've probably read this already, but Boblinds and myself did some comparisons of DD and DTS.

While I found the DTS to be better sounding overall, I also noted some differences in the mixes that could not have been the result of the DTS and DD encoding per se. I know that in the past, DTS made their "master" from the 6 track magnetic film safety master of the film soundtrack. Beyond just sounding more "euphonic" because of a generation of magnetic film recording, they had their own proprietary equalization which boosted the bass beyond what was flat. Dolby digital is always mastered directly from the mixing console during the dubbing process.

While I found the DTS to sound better to me, the Dolby Digital version was more what the film sounded like when it was being mixed on the dubbing stage. The DTS by compaison was more "pumped up" sounding.

Keep in mind that DTS uses a data rate of one half of their usual 1.5 megabits per second for DVDs, so the data rate gap between it and Dolby Digital is not quite as wide as it would be otherwise, such as on DTS CDs.

The Soundhound Theater