where did you go? present and accounted for, just erratic. (should be working, but I pop in here 100 DSL quick-clicks a day, if I start to reply, many interruptions, - I can begin one sentence of a reply and not be able to come back to it for hours. In fact I need to hunker down for a few today, stop letting myself sidetrack, and get a chunk of orders done.
….what a compliment……anyone could keep up with me….I’m just a pesky fringe learner, trying to understand…..And not having the time to devote this fascinating subject deserves…..although I’d enrage some Women libbers…..I still swear that little boys come equipped with little blue electronic/engineering/electrical/plumbing handbooks stashed in their diapers. Which leaves little girls trying to ‘grasp’ all parameters involved at a ‘late false start’ disadvantage. You should not mention the Dallas bureau, its just like me to stick my head in where I don’t belong…not trained….no pertinent business to attend to at that location……..just curious……(how do it all - get done).

have to work your way up to a pitcher I don’t think so… my bodyweight to intake ratio would prob elicit alcohol poisoning. Emergency room visits dampen an evening, Believe me, I’m plenty silly enough after (2) you would not want to see me any further uninhibited than that.