nahh, got a 1200xlh for now...had ta have an 100th anniversary model...and i spend so much time on the road...the 1200 fills the bill for now. gotta get me assets together and live on what i have. still got a younger daughter in college. i'm lookin at maybe later gettin a softtail dressed out. used ones in the south...if ya know where ta go and who ta talk to...are so mch cheaper here. not in atlanta..or georgia but in alabamee or missipp. even NC...lotsa bikers w/ no money...sad thing, that. but somebodies gotta save em. i wuz one o the 'lucky' ones (no such thing as 'luck). i just worked me a---se off for 35 yrs. and am reapin wut i sowed. stuck it out here in the poor ol south n took what ever came me way. not rich, by any means, but i can now live on what i have...been doing that anyway.
anyone else with a comment on that?
i really really like this outlaw site! i hope they don't mind when we go's a rainy day in georgia...must be rainin all over the world.
t higg