"...in a class A/B solid state output stage..."...SLL
true, but most of the decent silicon amps go 10 or 15 watts in class A and shift to A/B past that. gets ya thru the ruff times, one might say. i think my overture gets 15 mpg before shifting gears. my harley gets a little better than that. until they finally got that part right...they sounded like early digital 44/16. (what is happening to my ears..why do they hurt?) my ARC has more presence than the 950...but the 950 sparkles more ...in a lotta areas. there's some tube and SS mic pre-amps being made that have settings for that. set for sparkle and they throw in a little, subtle e.que-ing. gives a 'carver' holy-field to it that wraps you in more. don't tell anyone...i set up CNN's units for use in the field...only one other engineer knows that i changed about 16 channels to..'sparkle'...haha...they're gonna be using em for the iowa/new hamp thing and then the dem/repub conventions soon....hahahaha.! hey, how do you get the faces on different parts of the page?
t higg