Lena, you say that you are going to become a display cabaretionist? What cabaret are you going to work at? Are old chums allowed to come to the cabaret?

Dear Paul….you made me fall off my chair. (and not very gracefully I'll have to practice before the 'cabaret) Best laugh I’ve had in front of the computer all day!
You see I have this vocabulary in my head. But I tend towards pronouncing things phonetically (people go huh?) and never learned to spell. Spell check just doesn’t know how to take me …..keeps telling me…. I am not worthy of suggestions! So after two tries…if I’m even in the mood to use spell check. I give up and think ….close enough.

I am always switching out words which pop into my head which I may have (or not) just invented for the occasion to something shorter or easier for spell check to discover. (Discover ….perfect example I typed DIS CYP ER and spell check just offered me the other choice). I do have vocabulary, yet…access is denied.

For example if I wanted to say super­calli­fragilistic­expiali­docious"., I always have to settle for plain old ‘super’. (wow, I just found the spelling for that one on the Mary Poppins web site).