I've had a 1050 for about a year now and a Philips Pronto, and thought I'd post my discrete workarounds for things that aren't discrete on the 1050 remote, to benefit other Pronto owners.
Also, if you have better discrete solutions than mine here (such as *true* discrete codes for these functions), please respond!
Power On: Send any input selection command (except for tuner or direct, which aren't really discrete). DVD is a good one to use. The 1050 powers up when it gets an input selection from the remote, and it also goes directly to that input.
Power Off: Send an input selection, followed by the power toggle. If anyone has a true discrete power off command, please post!
Tuner: The AM/FM button selects the tuner, if it isn't already selected. Otherwise it switches between AM and FM. To select the tuner without switching bands, select another input such as DVD, then send the AM/FM.
Direct: This button is a toggle, turning direct on and off. To turn direct on discretely, select another input first, such as DVD. To turn it off discretely, select another input.
In Summary:
Power on: use DVD or other input selection
Power off: DVD, then power
Tuner: DVD, AM/FM
Direct on: DVD, Direct
Direct off: select another input