Master and Commander

Posted by: baristaman

Master and Commander - 04/21/04 04:07 PM

Watched in DTS. Simply the BEST use and balance of the surrounds I have ever heard.
The first time there was a scene below decks, I actually thought there was somebody running around upstairs. Scared the crap outta me since I'm the only one here. They were able to make it sound like the footsteps (stomps) were actually coming from above. Simply astounding!!!!
Posted by: Wayne Charlton

Re: Master and Commander - 04/22/04 03:37 AM

Posted by: Spiker

Re: Master and Commander - 04/23/04 10:14 AM

Yes, very nice soundtrack indeed.
Loved the canon blasts during the first shootout. The best blast I’ve heard (and felt) from my HT. I’d say it was better than U-571. It made me appreciate my good sub even more.

I'm curious what LFM-1 owners would say about this DVD.
Posted by: curegeorg

Re: Master and Commander - 05/02/04 12:30 PM

i totally agree about the scenes inside the ship where you could actually hear people where they would be standing. i was pretty shocked at how precise the sound was. (new pre/pro helped some im sure). most of the dialog was a tad low, but the fight scenes more than made up for that. i dare say its the most realistic surround sound from a dvd that i have heard to date. i, of course, listened to the dvd in dts, im sure dolby digital is not quite as good of a playback...
Posted by: tekdredger

Re: Master and Commander - 05/05/04 07:24 PM


Rented this one on Sunday night. The surprise attack battle scene early in the film just about knocked me out of my chair. Aura bass shakers augmenting my LFM-1 contributed to the impact of those cannon balls. I too used the DTS track but didn't have time to compare with the DD. I may have to rent again or just buy this one to do just that. Yes the surrounds were very active - especially during the battle scenes and I agree that they added a convincing sense of realism. The sweet sounds of the string duets provided a welcomed relief from the chaotic noise of battle.

I was not as impressed with the video. On my system most scenes seemed a little dark and lacking in color. The gray fog of the opening scenes seemed to carry through the film. I'm sure this was the intent of the director/cinematographer but I thought some scenes could have been brighter. Perhaps I'm picking nits here.

Overall a good story well told with good acting. I enjoyed it very much. My wife and daughter were not up to seeing the blood and guts of warfare but I didn't think it was over the top or gratuitous. Especially since the ships doctor was a central character.

By the way, were any of you reminded of the Star Trek TV series while watching this? I half expected to hear Capt. Jack refer to Dr. Maturin as "Bones".


[This message has been edited by tekdredger (edited May 05, 2004).]
Posted by: Spiker

Re: Master and Commander - 05/06/04 01:49 PM

Originally posted by tekdredger:

On my system most scenes seemed a little dark and lacking in color.
By the way, were any of you reminded of the Star Trek TV series while watching this?

What type of screen did you see it on? As far as I can see from my tube screen, there were plenty of bright colors. One, when Captain Aubrey sets his eyes on this attractive Brazilian woman while the crews were exchanging goods with the locals. Two, when the ship was stranded for days due to lack of wind.

Star Trek reminded me of traditional naval operation such as vocabularies used and the whistle you hear from time to time.
Posted by: curegeorg

Re: Master and Commander - 05/06/04 11:54 PM

on my rptv i wasnt impressed with the video either. i think it was intended to have the look that it had though. this is an audio forum, so what are we doing talking about video?
Oh, I thought the movie was OK, but the sound was spectacular. I have seen much better movies, but not heard any.

[This message has been edited by curegeorg (edited May 06, 2004).]
Posted by: Wayne Charlton

Re: Master and Commander - 05/15/04 01:14 PM

Posted by: Wayne Charlton

Re: Master and Commander - 05/15/04 01:16 PM

Posted by: gonk

Re: Master and Commander - 05/17/04 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Spiker:
I'm curious what LFM-1 owners would say about this DVD.

The sound was really quite good, I thought. Good surround mix, and there was some bass in there (particularly the cannon fire) that the LFM-1 really had fun with. Really fun (although my wife's cat might disagree -- by the second battle my cat had departed for quieter pastures at the other end of the house, but the persian was still around for the opening volleys of the second battle and he clearly did not approve of the LFM-1's contributions). It would certainly be a good disc to use as home theater demo material.

gonk -- 950 Review | LFM-1 Review | Pre/Pro Comparison Chart | Saloon Links
Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: Master and Commander - 07/04/04 01:40 AM

Fantastic film, sorry I missed it on the big screen...but great on the 950.

Excelent demo for friends with the cannon shot streaking from center/mains to the surrounds.
Posted by: tekdredger

Re: Master and Commander - 08/20/04 11:39 AM

Very good article in the September issue of Stereophile's Ultimate AV magazine (the renamed Stereophile Guide to Home Theater). Interview with sound editor/designer Richard King about the recording process along with some good photos that reminded me of some of soundhound's field work. I found it interesting that they didn't alter the soundtrack for the DVD release and King thinks it sounds better in a smaller space (i.e. home theater) than it does in the cinema.

Posted by: kugumby

Re: Master and Commander - 10/18/04 01:34 PM


I just finally got around to renting this and regardless of whether you think this will be a good movie or not, you should rent it and enjoy the sound. I have a 1050 and LFM-1 and it was a house rattling experience. As previously stated, the cannon blasts are just awesome. The dogs and cats sure perked up with that first attack!

My biggest issue with movies such as this is the spousal "TURN IT DOWN" factor. You know, JUST ONCE, I'd like for my wife to turn to me and say, "WHOA! That was so cool! Play that again, but turn it up!!"

Yeah. Like that'll ever happen.
Posted by: rance

Re: Master and Commander - 10/19/04 10:28 AM

My wife is president of the 'turn it down' club, but not once did she utter those words while watching this disc, she was so impressed (she came oh so close to admitting the 950/7100 was worth it too, but hey, baby steps). What was just as impressive as the cannon balls ripping through the ship were the muffled kabooms and echo of the cannons firing in the fog, the footsteps up on deck running the length of the ship, the yelling and shouting from everywhere, all done with pinpoint accuracy and realism. It truly made you feel like you were right there on the ship, which is the goal of ht, but unfortunately not always achieved. IMO, one of the best surround sound mixes out there.