“Pirates of the Caribbean.”

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

“Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/13/03 09:04 PM

Sorry can’t control my urge to use “demo” forum to talk about “future demos’ i.e.: current releases.
“Pirates of the Caribbean.”

Highly recommended I found some of the CGI effects juvenile. But the whole worked. Each of the main characters in their respective positions kept you entertained enough. With Johnny Depp carrying the whole thing on his amazing physical and facial quirky interpretation of “Captain Jack Sparrow”.

His first entrance scene, into the movie, is an absolute classic, - ringing dead center into the charming strength and idiosyncrasies of Sparrow the pirate, he has a wealth of obstinate cheerfulness regardless of with/without, in or out of trouble.

I’ve known a couple of men that had a hint of Sparrows fair or foul arrogance of manner. They were always the most.. fascinating of creatures.

Men appear to like this movie (around here) and in the forums where I’ve seen reviews, Maybe many played ‘pirates’ when boys? Definitely a DVD purchase when it arrives.

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 13, 2003).]
Posted by: Jason J

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/13/03 10:38 PM

Haven't seen "Pirates" yet but it's on my list. If were talking about future demo material, however, sign me up for the "Finding Nemo" DVD. It is by far one of the best movies I've seen recently. Clever, great graphics, great jokes, great characters, it's just plain good!! Of course, I am a small Pixar fan.
Posted by: sdurani

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/13/03 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Smart Little Lena:
With Johnny Depp carrying the whole thing on his amazing physical and facial quirky interpretation of “Captain Jack Sparrow”.
Absolutely! It's like he was channeling Keith Richards! Then again, I have yet to see a bad performance from Depp.

Posted by: Joshorr

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/14/03 10:39 AM

This movie sums up what the citics mean when they "fun movie". It balanced campy adventure (like something from the Mummy) with a good amoumt of humor (most from Johnny Depp and Jeffery Rush) that made you forget or pass over the typically silly summer blockbuster plot.

Bottom line is that everybody can enjoy this one and it you are Johnnt fan you have absolutely no excuss not to see this.
Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/14/03 03:31 PM

Absolutely! It's like he was channeling Keith Richards

Did you notice the ‘Gladiator’ sounds-like portion of scored pirate theme refrain?
I kept trying to recall, where HAVE I seen Depps choice of mannerisms??? Way too familiar. If you hit that thought on your own. Your very very good Sanjay!!!. I saw where JD in an interview on the Tonight Show, commented, either (JD’s intent or some reviewers comment after screening)? that Sparrow is based on a cross between Keith Richard and Pepe Le Pu!

He pegged the ‘ always high’ and ‘in trouble with women’ side of Richard’s life, - dead on.

If I was to land on a deserted island with a scraggy gold toothed miscreant of a pirate…I’d hope for Depp’s version! Will Turner was nice but a tad boring compared to Sparrow. Hope there is a sequal in the works for POTC “Curse of the Black Pearl” if Depp’s willing to reprise the part. It was loads of fun.

Jason, FN is on my to-buy list too. Very good. My husband and I walk around mimeing the seagull’s.
“Mine, MINE, MINE, mine, MINE”!. And “hey dude …meet the offspring”. Disney is THE best at witty anthropomorphism.

”you like pain! (wack) Try wearing a corset” Miss Turner "PTC"

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 14, 2003).]
Posted by: sdurani

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/15/03 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Smart Little Lena:
Sparrow is based on a cross between Keith Richard and Pepe Le Pu!
I would never have guessed about the Pepe half. I've always found Depp to turn in good performances, but this time he steals the show. If there is a sequel, I hope Depp reprises Sparrow.

BTW, was it just me or did the film seem to end 3 or 4 times?

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/15/03 02:03 PM

I would never have guessed about the Pepe half. Me neither, but….on reflection it fits!
was it just me or did the film seem to end 3 or 4 times?
…yes…..but a stronger sensation towards …a cut to tighten up run time…could have benefited from nipping 15 to 20 or so out of the film.
Did you stay past the lenghty credits???
Maybe that little tidbit is indicative that a sequel is considered?

PS EDIT: When the DVD releases, hope HEAVY 'behind the scenes' flimmaking process is included. Beautiful area of the world (caribbian) and the ships' manuvering and outtakes would be fun. Would be highly intreasting to see what nightmares erupted during fliming of the "Black Pearl" and "The Defiant" I love big old wood ships, and anything conected with them.

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 15, 2003).]
Posted by: Jeff Mackwood

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/29/03 10:42 PM


Just saw Pirates the other day and it's definitely tops in my books this Summer.

If you like incredible big wooden ships, get yourself over to Stockholm some day and visit the Vassa Museum in Stockholm. One of the most incredible sights you (or any other wooden ship lover) will ever set eye upon. Until I saw it myself, I never believed a co-worker who had told me that it was worth the trip to Stockholm all by itself. It is. (But if you do go, be there around the time of the Summer Solstice - which is an incredible party time in Sweden (and probably elsewhere). All night, well-behaved, partying - with many of the locals dressed in period costumes). The beer's expensive (taxes!) but the reindeer and other local foods are fabulous.


Jeff Mackwood
Posted by: sdurani

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 07/30/03 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Mackwood:
the reindeer and other local foods are fabulous.
Reindeer, yum!

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/01/03 01:11 PM

Reindeer, yum!
Yes and I heard toasted over an open flame like K-bobs on real antler skewers. Sanjay! FORSWEAR, you might make children (and with your recent brutal streak, - maybe grown men lately in the forum ) cry.

Jeff….you just added a stop on my world traveling list for “someday”. I am missing many posts in the forum these days and just saw yours. If I ever win a power ball, I will never have a home again. Too many wonderful places/things to see.

I am a good sailor, getting landsick when I return from the deep blue. I would have gone nuts for going to school on “The Albatross”. It’s a shame that tragedy kept the Ocean Academy Ltd. Brigantine from becoming a more popular method of tutoring while experiencing world travel.

Just saw “Pirates” again last night with someone who had not see it yet. (a male, - he loved it) I think I could actually sit through a 3rd viewing…….it is a very satisfying good time.

We should all have Captain Sparrows luck of the dammed Some of the one liners were even funnier the second time around. Bloom “That’s not Fair!” ………Depp ”Pirate!”.

Editors Note: Read in HTF I beleive, if its true that Depp has already signed on to a sequel!

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited August 01, 2003).]
Posted by: sdurani

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/01/03 01:39 PM

Miss Lena,
Sanjay! FORSWEAR, you might make children (and with your recent brutal streak, - maybe grown men lately in the forum ) cry.
Brutal? Moi? (He asks, adjusting his halo.) Just a few simple questions asked in a completely civil manner. I can't help it if people get upset when their long cherished views are questioned.
We should all have Captain Sparrows luck of the dammed
And a little of his devil-may-care attitude. Sparrow is an interesting character. He's no fool; for someone who acts so aimless, he's got a plan and when that fails he's got a back-up (even if it's improvised). And while it always looks like he's giving up, thruth is that he never reall does.
Some of the one liners were even funnier the second time around. Bloom “That’s not Fair!” ………Depp ”Pirate!”.
Plus, I love the bit where Bloom immitates Depp's mannerism: "Oh, so that's where (wobbles around, pointing unfocusedly) that comes from?"
Read in HTF I beleive, if its true that Depp has already signed on to a sequel!
Awesome. He was, bar none, my favourite thing in the movie.

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/01/03 02:23 PM

I can't help it if people get upset when their long cherished views are questioned.
I briefly scanned the great DD/DTS debate and was shocked at the testosterone flowing. Shows I need to stay around (was gettingreadygonecatchingup from vac) at that time. If I had been the moderator - I would have slapped everyone silly.

Me: regardless of arguments both sides, prefer DTS, saves me all that remote time tweaking up the bass and surrounds to levels I LIKE during action adventure flics.

Sparrow is an interesting character. He's no fool He’s an opportunist, and highly adaptable to the moment. I like intelligence in brigandly low-life’s.

He was, bar none, my favourite thing in the movie. Grinds teeth, hates to admit to it, but Depps cemented his position in my fantasy file. With further contemplation, I know I could sit through a third viewing. Just to admire Depps looks in this roll. I’m a sucker for the dangerous types, and rarely a sexier scurvy rouge do I see! (can even forgive the teeth)
Yo HO YO ho a pirates life for me!
Posted by: sdurani

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/01/03 02:50 PM

Miss Lena,
rarely a sexier scurvy rouge do I see! Yo HO YO ho a pirates life for me!
Yeah right! You don't want a pirate's life, just the pirate!

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/01/03 03:05 PM

she laughs wickedly
Posted by: AGAssarsson

Re: “Pirates of the Caribbean.” - 08/04/03 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Jeff Mackwood:
If you like incredible big wooden ships, get yourself over to Stockholm some day and visit the Vassa Museum in Stockholm...
The beer's expensive (taxes!) but the reindeer and other local foods are fabulous

Hey Jeff:
As my father is Swedish, and I lived there as a boy (5 years), I want to thank you for discussing something "Swenska" other than Blondes, Ikea, and Sexual Freedom (more on that later).

Just a reminder... the ship is named the "Wassa", but pronounced "Vassa". But I can't spell in English, so... and the ship was built as the greatest ship in the very powerful Swedish fleet, which had successfully beaten off the Spanish Armada in a battle some years before.

As beer was clearly much cheaper back then (no taxes) the Officers and Crew of the Wassa decided it was a great idea to launch without ballast (rocks at the bottom of the ship for stability) and present full sail in a strong wind. The glorious Wassa listed to port, water poured in through the gun ports, and it sunk in front of the King, his Court, and many invited foreign dignitaries.

As Outlaws, and Gunslingers, we should be partial to Pirates... and Vikings too. JohNNy DePP could have been a Viking, as the Double Consonants give us away...

As for all those beautiful women slapping Captain Jack Sparrow in the face... well, clearly the fruit of very intense passions, and received with a resigned acceptance of a good scoundrel.

As for eating reindeer... I am sure he could eat Rudolf, then turn his head with a smile, flair his eyes, and steal a kiss from the most beautiful vegetarian in the land. Skoal.


P.S.: Reindeer is really good, but try Herring in sweet mustard sauce on Limpa (sweet rye bread).

[This message has been edited by AGAssarsson (edited August 04, 2003).]