X-Men 1.5 and X2

Posted by: Joshorr

X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 04/14/03 12:28 PM

I just saw Phone Booth this weeend (not great but worth a rent) and got to see the full X-Men 2 preview. Hoooo, baby!!! this looks cool. I have heard that Patrick Stewert has said it is a big improvement over the already solid first installment. It looks like it deals with some pretty interesting parts of the X-men story line like the origins of Wolverine and the continued struggle of mutants in society. Plus there are the new charaters like Nightcrawler and Iceman. I can't wait....

Has anybody taken a look at the X-Men "1.5" DVD? Any thoughts compared to the regular edition?

[This message has been edited by Joshorr (edited April 15, 2003).]
Posted by: Jeremy

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 04/14/03 04:35 PM

Hey there Josh,

I used to own the original X-Men release until I gave it to my best friend about a year ago. This past weekend I happened to finally replace it with the X-Men 1.5 edition which I think rocks, but can't come up with too much of a reason for someone who currently owns the original release to go out and buy this one. Unless that is you are a confirmed X-Men nut or can't live with anything less than DTS sound for your DVD's, when it's available. This set does offer very cool supplemental material presented by Brian Singer and gives you a cool peak into X2, along with the non-animorphic original X2 long trailer, not the new one you just saw.

I will be getting more in depth in the extra features this weekend, and try and chime in Monday with a final analysis of my own, but if you would like a very in-depth comparison you can go on over to thedigitalbitsdvd.com and check for the X-Men 1.5 review which points out about every difference between the two sets! Here is the direct link:


Posted by: Joshorr

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/02/03 11:35 AM

X2 out and for once it's an action movie that is getting good reviews (LOTR is in a class by itself). I'm going early tomorrow to hopefully beat the crowds. It's so nice to be excited about the movies again.
Posted by: TurnerF

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/02/03 12:32 PM

I'm just hanging on till Matrix Reloaded hits on the 15th. I downloaded the 99MB Quicktime trailer and watch it every couple of days. Maybe I'll catch X-Men 2 tonight to start getting me in the action mode. I think NPR gave it a good review this morning (although I might have still been sleeping and dreamt that)
Posted by: Jason J

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/04/03 10:06 AM

X-Men 2 rocks!!! Saw it last night and was very impressed. A good, loud, in your face summer blockbuster with enough smarts to keep you excited the whole way through. Should be a pretty good system test when it gets to DVD...
Posted by: Joshorr

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 02:36 PM

I saw X2 on saturday. That is what a summer blockbuster is all about (even if it's still the spring). A definite improvement over the first. I have to say that Spiderman is still my favorite recent comicbook movie but it's sort of hard to compare the two since they we trying to accomplish two different kinds of stories.

Bottomline though X2 is a banger of a start to what hopes to be a heck of a mvie year.

Come on MATRIX!
Posted by: Jason J

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 02:55 PM

Now, I think everyone agrees the next blockbuster out is "Matrix Reloaded". My question is; what's the next big one after that? The Hulk, League of Extraordinary Gentleman (or something like that , Charlie's Angels, Bruce Almighty?!?!?
Posted by: m-mmeyer

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 04:35 PM

I also saw X2 Saturday night and my wife,10 year old daughter and myself all enjoyed it very much. They did leave the end very open! I hope what I think I saw at the end is what I think?!? I don't want to spoil anything!
I thought the trailer for the hulk looked a little cheesy. League of Extraordinary Gentleman looked interesting though. Whenever I see these movies though I always grade them on how sweet they will sound at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My DVD's
"Pain heals, Chicks dig scars and glory is forever"

[This message has been edited by m-mmeyer (edited May 05, 2003).]
Posted by: Jason J

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 05:39 PM

To make you feel better, I think you did see what you thought you saw.
Posted by: TurnerF

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 06:11 PM

I too give a thumbs up to X2 - saw it Saturday night. I don't remember ever seeing so many special effects credits at the end - company after company kept scrolling by.
Posted by: m-mmeyer

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/05/03 06:50 PM

Well Jason If your saying what I think your saying about what I thought I saw and what your saying I saw than you know what I am going to say about what I saw and what I'm thinking is going to happen next, see what I'm saying?

My DVD's
"Pain heals, Chicks dig scars and glory is forever"
From the mouth of Keanu Reeves one the great pundits of our time! smile
Posted by: Jason J

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/06/03 10:47 AM

Posted by: Smart Little Lena

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/11/03 12:42 AM

Not an X-men nut but we actually made this tonight to get away for the evening. Enjoyed it. I felt a greater involvement a bit, in some of the characters Vs the first flick where (not being familiar with the comics) they were all a little less than fleshed out for me.

I liked the addition of the guy with the tail, thought he started out as something like a Nazi at first, then he grew on me. (if I’m saying it about who you think I’m saying it, when I saw what those have seen saw) interesting new character.

Which mutation would you choose?
Posted by: m-mmeyer

Re: X-Men 1.5 and X2 - 05/11/03 11:28 AM

Thats what the rr2150 is, it induces our natural mutation to allow us to change the channels telekenticlly like the young boy in X2!

I win, I win!

My DVD's
"Pain heals, Chicks dig scars and glory is forever"
From the mouth of Keanu Reeves one the great pundits of our time! smile