Cher concert

Posted by: stabie

Cher concert - 04/09/03 10:44 AM

Was anybody else as disappointed as I was that the Cher concert wasn't in HD? The video was awful quality & the audio was just passable. They broadcast in 2/0, so no surround, not even a center. I would have thought Cher deserver better!
Posted by: tes918

Re: Cher concert - 04/09/03 11:13 AM

Your damn right that was an incredible waste. I understand the rationale but how will they sell HD if they do not showcase it. The show was great otherwise.
Posted by: stabie

Re: Cher concert - 04/09/03 06:18 PM

What was the rational? The concert must have cost them a fortune. I can't believe HD costs that much more. The Grammy's were in HD & both visual and sound were superb. I thought that spinning gold grammophone was real it was so well shadowed.