DJ Shadow: Private Press

Posted by: fmcorps

DJ Shadow: Private Press - 01/29/03 03:43 AM

I have some fairly unique tastes in music, this I will admit. This week I picked up DJ Shadows "Private Press" and I have to say that I was thourally impressed. I will issue the following warning...there is one track that may offend, no, will offend sensitive ears. The F word gets looped into a beat, but that's it for questionalble material.

There is one track on the album that is absolutly a trip. The mixing is just...well...amazing. The sound is 180 deg. out of phase...and winds up swirling around your head. I checked my gear THREE TIMES to make certain that I wasn't listening to the disc in surround. Even after checking my reciever I wasn't convinced and put my ears to the surrounds in my system to make absoluly certain that they weren't on. They weren't. It's just masterfull audio work.

Check it out. Liek I said, the one track gave it a Parential Warning label, but the rest of the album is just fine for the kiddies...and it's VERY impressive for you 2 channel guys.

Posted by: Joshorr

Re: DJ Shadow: Private Press - 01/29/03 12:51 PM

How does it compare to Endtroducing? Now that was good stuff.
Posted by: fmcorps

Re: DJ Shadow: Private Press - 01/29/03 09:51 PM


It's hard to realy say because Endtroducing has a lot of different sounds to it (but then again what album of his doesn't?) It's, definatly different. I don't know if I discribe it as mellower...which it can be at times. It's definatly less...uh...DJish. There's less scratching, and It still has some vocal samples, but its less dialogish. It has some UNKLE sensabilities to it...but it's definaltly a different sound then UNKLE. Has some great beats (which should be expected from DJ Shadow) and has an awefull lot of soul to it.

You can check out three new cuts at It's a great front to back kind of album, but I think I prefer the last half to the first. I guess I'ld say it's definalty worth a listen if you like Endtroduction.

Posted by: fmcorps

Re: DJ Shadow: Private Press - 01/29/03 10:14 PM

Actually, after revisiting Endtrducin, YES, if you like endtroducing I thing you'll realy like private press. I remember a lot more of the scratching (Number song, Best Foot...) after re-listening to Endtro they are very simmilar in their feel, with more of Private focusing on the "trip" of the trip-hop. I guess I listend to more of the "hop" of the trip-hop back in the day.


[This message has been edited by fmcorps (edited January 29, 2003).]
Posted by: fmcorps

Re: DJ Shadow: Private Press - 02/07/03 01:58 AM

Buy this album. Period.

I have been listening to this disc exclusivly since I picked it up a week ago. The work on this album is exceptional. I know some people may have some "sensative ears" and a few of the tracks could very well offend, however there is a "clean" version of the album if your tastes dictate it. Just do yourselves a favor and pick this up. It's very much club music...and the closest that I can compare it to (as far as top 40 artists go) is Moby. However I feel that this album has far more depth, soul, and craftmanship then Moby's work.

Definatly, DEFINATLY check it out.
