Brotherhood of the wolf:

Posted by: fmcorps

Brotherhood of the wolf: - 01/11/03 05:13 PM

Uf Dah,

We'll I finaly saw this movie. I thought it was a very entertaining flick. Beautifull cinematography, excellent costumes. The colors were quite vibrant...and the sound work. Egahds! When ywe finaly see the creature (towards the start of the third act) the bass was quite impressive. There is a huge THUD every time the creature's feet hit. A Very low and very LOUD thud.

All and all I'ld strongly reccomend checking it out. Certainly better then the other movie I rented yesterday (Austin Powers in Goldmember). Blech.

Posted by: Jason J

Re: Brotherhood of the wolf: - 01/13/03 12:31 PM

I second everything Jason just said. Great flick that is constantly entertaining. It's way over the top but just strap in and go for the ride.

The three disc Canadian release has a DTS track that the American release doesn't have. The catch is that the video quality on the Canadian release isn't as good. I have the American version and it sounds fine to me!