Ever been in the mega theaterplex and irritated by the blockbuster next door vibrating through the connecting walls.

Last night I purchased “ T3, Rise of the Machines”. I happen to own two 950’s. Husband wants to roll it right away, son walks in with date and has just rented “?”.

We insert T3 in the main system, and let her rip. They start their DVD up in the other room.
Very soon as soon as the last explosion dies away from the early multi vehicle chase, We hear peals of laughter from the other room as they crank their volume higher and higher.

My speakers were bigger than their speakers, I have the SW. I won the war

T3. Highly recommended blockbuster style extremely aggressive demo. Perfect recording and mix of the “John Conner” voiceovers. This was so crystal I almost shivered during this high volume demo, when he first speaks after some loud sequences. Great pans L & R. Keeps your surrounds busy. Whole lot of fun.

The 950 makes this soundtrack sing, MUCH Much better than the local theaters. Whatever you think of the quality of plot for this 3rd in a series TERMINATOR.

Soundtrack recommended as worth the price of admission.