First off, rent the series if you can, at least the first session, so you have some idea of the characters in the movie. Then, use this film, even the english dub is fine, for a good surround mix demo.

There is some very creative sound effects on this DVD. If you know the series, you know the music is top notch. It's not your usual techno pounding soundtrack, but instead a nice mix of jazz, blues, funk, and even some good 'ole rock 'n roll.

The voices on the DVD usually pan with the picture. In other words, they're not firmly planted in the center channel. If a character is on the left side of the room, the sound comes from the left speaker. It's a neat little trick.

Also, this is a series about space traveling bounty hunters. You get some really nice jet sounds and pans from front to back and from side to side. Try chapter 25, "Air Show", for some good jet fighting set against some really cool, horn driven, music.

One more thing, the music makes generous use of the surrounds. In chapter 23, "Breaking out of Cherious", the music is in the surrounds while the action takes place up front. In the final credits, the main vocals are all over the place creating a nice, large soundstage.

If you haven't figured it out, I really liked this DVD, especially the audio portion. It's now a definite system demo. Enjoy!