Unless you've been dormant for the last few months, you might have noticed the current media blitz surrounding The Matrix Reloaded and the series finale The Matrix Revolutions. Just last weekend the main Matrix site has unleashed the final Matrix Reloaded trailer in about every size you could imagine. I feel that this is one of the coolest theatrical trailers that I have seen for any movie in a very long while, and just makes me insane with lust for Reloaded! I hooked my PC to my "big" monitor and piped the audio through my Outlaw reciever, then sat back in awe! An excellent demo for your home theater even if it's encoded in Pro-Logic. Maybe they'll attach this killer trailer in full Dolby Digital with one of Warner's/New Line's upcoming DVD releases (i.e. The Animatrix, or The Two Towers).

Also on that note, I am hearing from friends in the Theater industry that on May 15 Warner Bros. will be attaching "The Return of the King" trailer and an exclusive "The Matrix Revolutions" trailer onto every Reloaded print!

Looks to be an excellent year for movies!!!
