Outlaw Handle

Posted by: MeanGene

Outlaw Handle - 03/30/08 04:49 AM

It does not happen to often, but when I am removing and replacing connections on the back of a pre/pro, amps are heavy enough, the pre/pro has a tendency to move instead of the connection making complete contact. I think it would be a great idea to have a tab or handle on the back of the pre/pro to allow you to hold the unit still while inserting the connections.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Outlaw Handle - 03/30/08 04:13 PM

I've run into that before, too. A handle or something easy to hold on to (even a knob or something) is a slick idea...
Posted by: nomoneybutgoodsound

Re: Outlaw Handle - 04/03/08 02:15 AM

I ordered a 7500 this morning. While I was placing the order I asked about the next generation pre/pro, of course, he could not say much. But I did mention this topic about the handle. He did say that he read that and agreed that it may be a good idea. So who knows, maybe there is still time to modify the cabinet/chassis.
Posted by: gonk

Re: Outlaw Handle - 04/03/08 03:18 AM

It could even be done without a major modification - just change out one of the screws in the rear panel for a knob of some sort. wink
Posted by: MeanGene

Re: Outlaw Handle - 04/04/08 01:04 AM

How about a plate that fits under the back of the pre/pro that can slide in and out so that people that did not need it could hide it. However, when it was pulled out it not only had an area that you could grab on to (a two finger pinch is all that is necessary) it would also do double duty in cable management. I have noticed that those high end cables can be heavy and place some stress on the connections.