Universal Player, Blu-ray and CD -Text

Posted by: Lizard King

Universal Player, Blu-ray and CD -Text - 01/11/07 08:59 PM

I would like to see an Outlaw Univeral Player that can play all formats, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc and have CD text!
Posted by: gonk

Re: Universal Player, Blu-ray and CD -Text - 01/11/07 10:55 PM

Oh, yeah, I think there's a number of us who'd be tickled to see an all-format disc player. We'll have to wait for the big boys to get the two HD formats shoe-horned into one chassis before it can become a reality (and it looks like the new LG combo player has run afoul of the DVD Forum for improper or unsatisfactory HD-DVD implementation), but we can still ask... wink