Outboard Subwoofer EQ

Posted by: harp795

Outboard Subwoofer EQ - 01/24/04 08:36 PM

Having spent my first week with the LFM-1, it's becoming clear that the room resonances are fighting against the subwoofer. No matter where I place the LFM-1, it doesn't sound just right at my listening position. Some frequencies are exaggerated relative to others, some frequencies are non existant (until I stand up and move over 4 ft). I'm beginning to believe that some sort of equalization is crucial in obtaining balance between the room, the mains and the subwoofer. I believe the Outlaws should consider designing some sort of outboard parametric EQ, similiar to Infinity's RABOS system, that users could integrate between the prepro and the subwoofer. Ideally, the EQ would self calibrate through the use of an external microphone and test tones. By electonically attenuating frequencies emphasized by the room, I think you would see a dramatic improvement in sound quality, overall bass response and smoothness and speaker integration in many systems.

Info on RABOS:


[This message has been edited by harp795 (edited January 24, 2004).]
Posted by: bestbang4thebuck

Re: Outboard Subwoofer EQ - 01/25/04 03:17 PM

If you had only one listening position, I suppose sufficiently accurate EQ might be a solution. But what about ears that will be listening three, four or six feet from yours? How do you EQ for them separately? Many people, for about the same cost (or less) than accurate, narrow band, low-frequency, automated EQ, add a second subwoofer placed such that the "dead zones" of one are filled in by the "live zones" of the other. It is an imperfect science either way, but the second sub option generally works better for rooms which will be inhabited by multiple listeners.